Join the Club

You can be part of the ALPS legacy by joining us and attending our meets! ALPS currently hosts a hobby-leading six (6) meets per year, and averages between 350-400 attendees per year to these six events. ALPS attendance represents about 1/6 (or 17%) of total ALPCA regional meet attendance for the entire club, even though Arizona ALPCA members only represent slightly more than 3% of the total ALPCA roster.

All ALPCA members are welcome to attend ALPS meets! If you are not an ALPCA member but are interested in learning more, please check out ALPCA’s website at, or contact us about attending an ALPS meet as a prospective member. If you enjoy license plate collecting, We think you’ll agree that this is for you!


The Arizona License Plate Society exists as one of about twenty regional chapters of the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association (ALPCA). When you join ALPCA, look at what all you get:

  • Six issues per year of PLATES Magazine, a full-color publication all about license plates.
  • Access to the on-line archives, with reference to the hobby’s collective knowledge. Research the plates in your collection and identify even the most “tough to identify” plates.
  • Access to the roster so you can find other collectors in your area
  • Access to regional meet announcements for all ALPCA regions.
  • Ability to attend the ALPCA 4-day national convention held each summer.